Antje studied communication and educational science at the University of Greifswald. Having previously worked in different agencies and companies, Antje joined Strichpunkt in November 2011 – becoming the first new hire in the Berlin studio🥇. Antje, a serious organizational talent with the right amount of assertiveness built up the Berlin studio together with creative lead Tobi Nusser. Incidentally, not even a million dollar job offer would be enticing enough to break the bond between Antje and her chosen home Berlin. 🤘🖖 Antje personifies one of the agency’s key success factors: a deep commitment to producing top quality work coupled with strong personal dedication. In addition to large scale communication projects such as Otto Group or Porsche, Antje was responsible for the branding and communication work of the Autostadt as a project manager.
SP: Antje, what does it take to be a successful project manager at Strichpunkt?
Antje: It all depends on how you define success. What does success mean to you? If the result is excellent? If the customer is satisfied? Or when the team is happy? It depends on your perspective. For me personally success means earning trust from everyone involved in a project: team, customer and management. Achieving that takes a lot of empathy, motivation, clarity, the ability to sometimes say no, reliability and good planning. All of this creates an atmosphere that is both demanding and fun.
It’s important to have more than just the hard skills of a project manager - to me people skills and building relationships are even more important on the road to "success".
SP: What drives you personally?
Antje: It might sound a little corny, but it's all about unity, togetherness and team spirit. I like being around creative people with a good sense of humour. Every exchange, conversation and exposure to new topics and ideas is inspiring and helps me grow, both professionally and personally.
SP: Which brand would you like to work for and why?
Antje: There isn’t one particular brand, but I like to work with innovative companies that are committed to sustainability and keeping an eye on the planet. That fits really well to my life and lifestyle.
SP: What does trust mean for you in a customer relationship?
Antje: Trust is the ultimate key. When trust exists on both sides great things can happen. And the good thing is, it's not all that difficult to achieve, it just takes transparent and honest communication - right from the start.
SP: Any holiday tips you’d like to share with us?
Antje: The Baltic Sea! I am a child of the East and we spent every free minute on Usedom. The people, the sea, the sand, the fish sandwiches - everything is simple, good and honest. And best of all, you don't even need a bikini; O)
SP: What does courage mean for you personally?
Antje: For me, courage means authenticity; standing by your word; grappling with your weaker self, daring to do new things and sometimes openly disagreeing. What else takes courage? Admitting mistakes, going on a trip around the world alone, trying a 20-year-old home-distilled schnapps from your neighbor – and saying “WAIT A MINUTE” when everyone else in the room is quiet.
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