Talking to Neele Ludwig

Neele Ludwig grew up in Munich, moved to Göttingen at the age of 9 and began her media design studies in 2013. Since then she has been living in Berlin. During her studies she did a semester abroad in London, an internship with an illustrator and then joined Strichpunkt on the recommendation of a close friend and fellow student. Since then she has enriched us not only with her layouts and illustrations, but also with her calm, value-driven and open nature.

Whether on hikes or cycle tours, Neele likes to spend her free time outdoors. Should a trip be marred by bad weather, she illustrates or works with ceramics. By the way, she sells her hidden object pictures as puzzles.

SP: A question to get to know you better. If you were to wake up tomorrow as an animal, which one would you be?
Something that needs a lot of rest but can also be very busy and active and lives in a small, close society where you stick together. A marmot, for example?
SP: Being a designer in a branding agency: where does your work start, where does it end?
My work starts as soon as the first visualizations, such as mood boards or first drafts are needed. From there, I oversee the implementation and regularly attend client meetings to present the interim results. In general, you can say that my work spectrum ranges from the general creation of visual things to the handover onto the final artwork.

How do you personally define good design?

„Design that surprises, doesn't exclude anyone, is not immediately obvious and, best of all, puts you in a good mood.“

SP: How do you personally define good design?
Design that surprises, doesn't exclude anyone, is not immediately obvious and, best of all, puts you in a good mood.
SP: Your passion is illustration. Is there a client for whom you would like to create an illustration one day?
Actually, every client for whom I can still be actively involved and who represents a mission behind which I myself stand. For example, more and more vegan meat alternatives are coming onto the market, so it would be great fun for me to contribute to such projects.
SP: You took a short sabbatical at the beginning of the year. What was your greatest enrichment during this time?
During this time I continued my education in the field of animation. I particularly enjoyed learning new things and focusing on one area for a longer period of time. It was also nice not to have set working hours and to clear my head for a change.
SP: You are part of Strichpunkt's #dobetter initiative. What are your tasks here and what drives you to be active in addition to your actual job as a designer?
When you work in a larger agency, you don't always have clients who represent your values, especially when it comes to environmental awareness. That's why I find it all the better that we at Strichpunkt have now formulated such a clear stance. We all feel helpless when it comes to climate change, and by taking part we are setting an example as a company and hopefully inspiring our clients and other agencies. And maybe it will change something. It's at least worth a try. For #dobetter, I was part of the conception and I´m now mainly responsible for the design.
SP: Is there anything you would never put on your CV, even though it describes you very well?
I like working in teams, but I'm most productive and especially creative when I have peace and quiet and can think on my own.
SP: What does courage mean to you personally?
For me, courage means standing up for your own values and acting accordingly. Not being afraid of change, being willing to question your own comfort zones and standing up for others.

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