
Intelligence 2019

Brand Communication

Networks, big data, connectivity, swarm intelligence, block chain - digitalization is full of innovations. But only if they are purposefully developed, deployed, and ultimately made usable, they do create real added value and are not merely stamped as contentless buzzwords.

ANDRITZ masters this transfer and thus clearly stands out from the competition. While other companies are still talking, Andritz already offers intelligent solutions. This must be communicated effectively.

Under the title AI - ANDRITZ INTELLIGENCE, we show what it takes to make Artificial Intelligence applicable: Visionary ideas, passionate employees, development rooms, test facilities, but also: satisfied customers and finished, market-ready products that set standards.

Print and online implementation work on their own without complementing each other's channels. However, both channels are strongly interlinked.

The print publication becomes an image carrier and a clear company presentation. The annual report becomes a compact image brochure - the corporate business card with which ANDRITZ introduces itself.

The key visual visual visualizes the intelligent and perfectly interlinked interaction of many elements and thus strikingly illustrates the principle of Industry 4.0.

A central content hub is being created on the Andritz website, which will gather the contents under the annual theme "Andritz Intelligence".

DeloitteBrand Communication


Resonance 2019

ProgroupBrand Design

