Bosch Zünder
Corporate Communication
Long-standing tradition and new challenges
The Bosch ZÜNDER has been published for more than 100 years and, together with the digital platform of the same name, is highly relevant within the Group. The task was to fundamentally renew the content and design of this popular medium while remaining true to the platform's DNA.
Innovative relaunch for print and digital
In a comprehensive relaunch, the editorial concept and design are being rethought in close cooperation with the customer and the interlinking of the print magazine and online platform is being expanded. In addition to a new branding, we focused on modernizing and expanding the visual content with a revised photo style, multifaceted illustrations and complex infographics.
A modern medium for employee communication
The new ZÜNDER is a modern, cross-channel medium for employee communication and impresses with exciting stories from the Bosch universe and beyond. The focus is on employee appreciation, clear communication of information and emotional storytelling with expressive images.
New approaches for contemporary communication
Classic employee communication for a new era: cross-media, emotional and informative. Exciting stories told in a first-class journalistic and visual way.

BuchererCorporate Identity / Corporate Design

Fichtner FMCCorporate website