
Hamburger Energienetze

Corporate Identity / Corporate Design

Fusion with power - a new brand is created

Strichpunkt Studio Hamburg develops corporate design for the new Hamburger Energienetze

The merger of Hamburg's two municipal energy providers marks an important project for the future: the gas network provider and electricity network provider are united under the new brand: “Hamburger Energienetze”. This brand combines the best of two established identities. Strichpunkt was commissioned to develop a powerful, distinctive corporate design.

The logo, which merges the initials H and E, symbolizes the connection between the two companies and thus the supply of energy to the city. The new name is confidently presented in capital letters, and the distinctive signet also functions independently as a flexible design element. The color scheme is based on the visual appearance of the city of Hamburg, the additional accent colors pick up on the origins of the two companies. Teamwork is the central element of the visual language. This simultaneously focuses on the city, technical expertise and human proximity.

Out of all these elements, we have created a modular design system that works seamlessly across all touchpoints. In addition, we developed an employer brand that combines the essence and cultures of both original companies.

Together with the web agency of Hamburger Energienetze, we are also responsible for the UI/UX design of the website. Moreover, we were able to collaborate with Integr8 from our MYTY network for the design implementation of further touchpoints.

Baden-Württemberg StiftungBrand Communication

Baden-Württemberg Stiftung

Jahresbericht 2022

HUK-COBURGCorporate Identity / Corporate Design