
Editorial Design Cover

Editorial Design

WirtschaftsWoche is one of the leading business magazines in German-speaking countries. Working in close collaboration with Editor in Chief, Miriam Meckel, and Creative Director, Holger Windfuhr, Strichpunkt developed and designed a comprehensive re-launch to reflect the sixty-year history of WirtschaftsWoche. The new logo features a distinctive colon on the cover page to show that the publication provides in-depth information as an opinion leader. In the magazine itself, the colon appears in front of short summaries of the essential article content, allowing the reader to scan the text quickly and decide whether to read the article. A clearly structured layout, new bold and reader-friendly typography and the independent and individual typology in each section combine to create a future-oriented magazine format.

WirtschaftsWoche's Editor in Chief, Miriam Meckel: "We want to show that economics does not always have to be a dry subject and that it has a lot to offer: it is defined by creativity, inspiration and imagination. This also applies to the new WirtschaftsWoche. It is more accessible and alive - without losing its usual depth, diversity of subjects and expertise."

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