Corporate Identity / Corporate Design
New, fresh and sustainable
Fissler stands for premium cookware, high-quality craftsmanship, tradition "Made in Germany" since 1845, and last but not least, pure cooking pleasure. Together with the globally successful family-owned company, we had the opportunity to revise the brand strategy and positioning as well as the brand design. In doing so, we took a close look at the further development of the international perspectives. Responsibility, Pleasure, Craftsmanship and Appreciation: Based on the corporate values, we designed the international brand experience in such a way that the Fissler brand can confidently face the challenges of the future.
With our expertise as a holistic branding agency, we put the emphasis on the flexible unification of the brand image in terms of high quality: a tidy, modernized design. Overall, we gave the brand a facelift to get the most out of it and to highlight the premium. To achieve this, we are relying on a visual world with much more crisp brightness, a modernized traditional logo, an innovative typography concept, a completely new brand signet and a clear tone of voice.
One thing we are particularly proud of:
Fissler is setting a clearly visible example in line with its corporate values. In future, the products will be sold in high-quality brown cardboard packaging. A courageous milestone in the future brand positioning, which focuses on sustainability. And yet only a first step. Because: We are already looking forward to the upcoming projects after the successful brand relaunch!
... to be continued.

IqonyCorporate Identity / Corporate Design

Dr. OttoCorporate Communication