
Land Baden-

Corporate Design


A federal state as a brand for the future – for all people

In an increasingly connected and digital world, a consistent and well-thought-out appearance plays a decisive role in the perception of companies and institutions. The federal state of Baden-Württemberg has recognized this importance. As a large and influential political entity, the state—through initiatives like the "THE LÄND" campaign—appears at a multitude of everyday and specific touchpoints with individuals and the public, both as an administrative and a creative force.

A corporate design that not only strengthens recognition value, is understandable and serious, but also reflects the diversity, innovative strength, and tradition of the state was the explicit request with which the State Ministry approached Strichpunkt. After more than 20 years, it was time for a new, future-proof corporate design—a matter close to our hearts as a Stuttgart agency and a commission that we don't receive every day.


Modern, versatile, optimized:

the state and its design

The close connection between tradition and progress is clearly reflected in the design system and visual language. Through harmonious contrasts, the multifaceted identity of Baden-Württemberg is effectively showcased, sustainably highlighting the state's diversity. The modern and forward-thinking visual presentation also facilitates access to information and its understanding. With the newly developed proprietary fonts, BaWue Sans and BaWue Serif, the state institutions ensure optimized readability across all media, from digital to analog. The thoughtful use of colors and clear design guidelines consistently prioritize accessibility.

Easy, fast, great:


The state administration is not an end in itself—it serves everyone. It should be self-evident that all people have access to information from state institutions. To achieve this, barriers must be removed. All of the state's communications will be easily accessible, quickly understandable, and clearly comprehensible. The entire new state design is focused on this.


Always available:

the design portal

To ensure a consistent design in line with the corporate identity, the design principles of the state of Baden-Württemberg are made accessible and explained on a central portal. In the download section there, you can find all relevant components—from design elements and digital design resources to templates. Achieving a visually homogeneous appearance of the state across all interactions and communication channels is the goal, which is why the corporate design aims to provide a consistent experience in every contact. Templates and practical examples are available for this purpose. The digital design system is also documented and offers support in applying the design language in digital media such as websites, portals, or apps.

To the design portal

Project inquiries

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Wherever you are, wherever you are headed - it’s time to get started.
Say hi!

T +49 711 620327-0

Tatjana Wolfram

Customer Relationship Management

OLBCorporate Identity / Corporate Design



Fichtner FMCCorporate website

Fichtner FMC

Fichtner FMC