

Brand Communication

METRO is going unconventional ways to fulfill its promise to its customers today and in the future. Since added value does not come from standstill, METRO is open to new ideas and is constantly evolving. METRO is on the move - the employees as well as the Management Board.

The theme of the 2017/2018 Annual Report "WE ARE ON THE MOVE": to present METRO's openness, innovative strength and dynamics via various channels. Within the four categories Moving People, Moving Goods, Moving Borders and Moving Gastronomy, we show what the partnership between a METRO employee and his customer looks like.

METRO is on the move. Not only in print, but also in the digital translation of the report: all stories of METRO employees and their customers were documented in films, the "moving" fruits and vegetables from the cover of the short report were also produced as motion snippets. From teasers to GIFs, the print report is optimized for each channel. Eyecatcher and symbol for "we are on the move" is also the handling of writing. The font is visually set in motion and thus forms a strong, connecting element, so that the diverse initiatives and activities of METRO become a movement.

Baden-Württemberg StiftungBrand Communication

Baden-Württemberg Stiftung

Freedom of speech


ALSOBrand Communication


High Potential