
True Denim. True Love. True Us.


True Denim:

The freedom to reinvent yourself.

For its 90th anniversary, the Mustang brand has realigned itself. Strichpunkt has helped to carefully rejuvenate the German denim pioneer, strategically develop it and adapt it to the digital environment.

Its corporate identity and corporate design have been revised, harmonised and modernised. The traditional Mustang brand is now fit for the future and oriented to the changing needs of today’s target groups. Everything is also ready for the ‘Go ahead 2024’ corporate strategy. Mustang aims to use this to become the leading premium brand in the denim market. The signs are good so far: in 2021, Mustang and the team led by CEO Andreas Baur achieved the highest monthly sales in the last 10 years.

True Courage pays off.


True Love:

Ready for new desires

The Mustang brand stands for freedom, then as now. But instead of the ‘American way of life’ that once founded the success story of the first European jeans, it is about individual, personal freedom, about a new generation's attitude to life. Mustang is now more tangible, more sensual, more human – more approachable. The brand, the collection and the brand experience are ready to make Mustang the top choice for new denim lovers to express themselves.


True Us:

Stepping into the future with authenticity

Mustang is ready for new adventures. The logo has been harmonised, the colours adapted and new design and interaction elements established. Everything is modern, modular and digitally oriented, and yet the brand remains true to itself – its history can be seen and felt.

The Mustang brand instils a desire to explore new territory with a shopping experience that is every bit as emotive and practical as the symbol of freedom that is the wild mustang itself.

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Wherever you are, wherever you are headed - it’s time to get started.
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T +49 711 620327-0

Tatjana Wolfram

Customer Relationship Management

OLBCorporate Identity / Corporate Design



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