Schwäbisch Hall
Corporate Design
Schwäbisch Hall is Germany's largest home loan and savings bank and one of the largest providers of construction financing, with around seven million customers and around 6,500 employees. We had the pleasure of sharpening and rejuvenating the new brand identity and, above all, aligning it with the digital challenges of the future.
Starting from the existing brand core of “Heimat”, we developed a new, value-oriented "Northern Star" for the brand: Individual. Clear. Together. All brand components are aligned with this triad.
The basis and starting point of all measures continues to be the well-known slogan "You can build on these stones". A special honour: the fox as one of Schwäbisch Hall's most important brand ambassadors was carefully revised by the Strichpunkt team. His personality and possible applications have now been sharpened so that he can continue to play a leading role in communication. Fun Fact: the newly developed Schwäbisch Hall corporate font is called "Fox".
The result: an individual and highly flexible design principle that, in combination with the new, central brand portal, increases efficiency across all areas. A clear, fresh colour scheme, focused on the strong brand colours yellow and red, a new, digitally optimised corporate font, which is also used in the revised logo, as well as an authentic, warm and approachable visual language characterise all touchpoints with the brand - digital, analogue and in three-dimensional spaces.
„Strichpunkt convinced us above all with strategic competence, but also with many bold ideas on how we can lead our strong brand into the future. We are very happy about the first results and look forward to our further cooperation.“
Dr. Mario Thaten,responsible for marketing and strategy at Bausparkasse Schwäbisch Hall

BoschBrand Communication

ahead - Bosch Megatrend Report M10
Alphartis SECorporate Design / Employer Branding