OMR 2024

We're part of it!

Come and see us! You can find us on 07.05. at 12:10 on the Blue Stage.

Look forward to exciting insights and inspiring discussions, because Strichpunkt Design is taking part in one of the most important events in the marketing industry! Come along and be part of our panel.

Our topic: Communicating sustainability authentically

Harald Willenbrock from Strichpunkt, together with Felix Rohrbeck from the award-winning greenwashing research team "flip" and dm Managing Director Kerstin Erbe, will provide in-depth insights into the challenges of sustainability communication. We will discuss how companies can present their sustainability efforts convincingly and transparently without falling into the trap of greenwashing.

  • What does it really mean to act sustainably as a brand?
  • How can genuine commitment and marketing be distinguished from one another?
  • How can companies communicate their sustainability efforts authentically and transparently?
  • What strategies are needed to credibly stand out from those who just want to jump on the green bandwagon?

Our panel raises important questions and looks for answers that are not only theoretically sound but also practicable.

Unfortunately, the panel is only in german language.