#thisisus - Out in the countryside
Brand Communication
Baden-Württemberg Stiftung, Annual Report 2019.
Nature. Tranquility. Deceleration. The familiar and the reliable. Standstill? New beginnings! In a time of crisis, when many things are being reorganized and we are doing many things differently than before, we are driving through the Black Forest. We confront the people we meet with a question to which there are many individual answers: How do we want to live?
In the 2019 Annual Report, we show how the future is being created in the provinces and in the periphery - hands-on, in the communities and in businesses, in citizens' initiatives and by people who want to make a difference. They are the protagonists of a lively and authentic collage of articles, conversations, maps, illustrations and pictures. They tell the story of how the ecological, technological and social change is being shaped, which the Baden-Württemberg Foundation has been committed to for more than 20 years.
The website land.wir-gesellschaft-bw.de and social media posts further explore and expand the topic - in detailed interviews and short statements, with opulent photo reports and videos.

VolocopterCorporate Identity / Corporate Design

DFBBrand Development