
Anniver­­­­­­­sary Publication Gestatten, Perschmann

Corporate Communication

150 years – that's a lot of history, but for the Perschmann company which has been successfully run for the last 5 generations, there’s bound to be an equally lengthy future.

In order to mark this special anniversary, a small family register has been created. The term "family" draws a sympathetic portrait of the Perschmann men and women, who not only represent the actual family Perschmann but also the extended family of employees and partners.

The publication covers everything from the plans and achievements of previous generations for today's workplace to the „joy of working", to which the company's management and employees indulge in together, to the responsibility that the company takes in its surroundings. Designed with colorful illustrations, lots of personality and a twinkle in the eye, these four chapters provide entertaining content and tactile pleasure while reading.

GewobagCorporate Communication


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Baden-Württemberg StiftungBrand Communication

Baden-Württemberg Stiftung

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