
Employer Branding

Strategies for successful employer branding and the journey to a strong corporate brand

In a highly competitive market, recruiting is becoming a crucial factor for many companies. This is also the case at Endava, a renowned IT service provider on a strong growth path. With talent playing an absolutely critical role in the industry, the company needs more than just effective short-term campaigns. Together with Strichpunkt, Endava set out in search of its own identity, worked out the personality of the brand in detail and implemented it authentically.

"It's all about the people"

this attitude has guided Endava since it was founded in 2000 and can still be felt today at over 56 locations worldwide, as evidenced by discussions with the Executive Board, employee interviews and in-depth focus group sessions. However, what was transmitted culturally had to be reinforced - in a clear EVP, in the strategic messaging house and in a coherent design. The result was not only a differentiating and trustworthy employer brand, but also an image that reflects what Endava is all about.

The results were translated into a communication concept with ideas for internal and external communication formats, merchandise and events, as well as ready-made messages that put the right words into the mouths of recruiters, from the initial approach to onboarding. Over the next few months, this will create a coherent overall picture of the actual brand personality - from employer branding and the refresh of the corporate design to the logo, which has been redesigned for the first time in the company's history. But more importantly, the new image will inspire employees, talents and customers alike.

OneQrewCorporate Identity / Corporate Design



SilberPfotenCorporate Design
